Showing posts with label Cartoons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cartoons. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 23, 2022


Cartoon text:

From over at: The Wick - Hallothanksmas Season Above All Others

Just saw this term pop up on some pinterest and facebook posts. Kind of a funny term, like the Christmakwanzukkah combo holiday word in the past.

Kimberly Wood over at the Wick had some nice things to say about the Thanksgiving part of that combo word:

Following Halloween’s exciting fall fun is the holiday of Thanksgiving, which many enjoy as a time of appreciation and happiness. In addition to festive parades and tasty turkey, Thanksgiving serves as a time to allow family and friends to come together and truly recognize how blessed they are to be a part of one another’s lives.

At least Thanksgiving is still in the name, and not excluded already!

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Yes, it's too early.

Cartoon text:
Too Early?

Keep those Christmas decorations in the closet for a few more months!

From over at: how the h* did i end up here?

Friday, September 22, 2017

Welcome Fall 2017!

Hopefully your fall season is filled with pumpkin spice, some cooler evenings, maybe some cider and donuts, and of course shopping for those Halloween costumes.

Word on the street is that some of the stores have already put their Christmas decorations out!
The Christmas Creep might be a little frantic this year after Toys R Us declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy!

There were a lot of changes for the positive last year, with a lot of stores closing their doors on Thanksgiving Day so that families could be together for the holiday.
Hopefully those good feelings keep up this year, and every learns to #RespectTheTurkey!

Here's a funny cartoon found over at The Diet Riot Show

Cartoon text:
Jack-o-lantern: Well big guy, looks like it's your turn.
It's only two days after Halloween and I've already seen Christmas lights, fruitcake and scented pinecones.

Turkey: Hopefully by next year they will skip over Thanksgiving completely!!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Timely Tidings

Cartoon text:
We just wanted to wish you all-

A Happy Hallowee-!



From over at: ChaosLife by A & K

Friday, October 16, 2015

Ho Ho No

ho ho no

Cartoon text:


From over at: Mandatory Roller Coaster

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

See? Just trace your feathers like this and you've drawn a person!

Only two more days until Thanksgiving!

Hopefully everyone is enjoying the season of giving thanks.

And on Thanksgiving day, please remember that if you go shopping on that day, someone has to work that day and can't be at home with their family.

On the lighter side, here's a few funny comics we've seen floating around facebook!

Cartoon text:
See? Just trace your feathers like this and you've drawn a person!
Artist over at:

Cartoon text:
What's for dinner this year? If I told you that, I'd have to kill you.
Artist over at:

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Monday, November 10, 2014

For every Christmas light lit before Thanksgiving

For every christmas light lit before thanksgiving an elf kills a baby reindeer

Cartoon text:
For every christmas light lit before thanksgiving An elf kills a baby reindeer

Thanks to J&D for this one.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Give Thanks... for veggies!

These turkeys sure know what to really be thankful for this season!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Facebook on Thanskgiving

Facebook on Thanskgiving

Cartoon text:
500 friends and no one is available to chat...
No new posts today...?

From over at:

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happy Star Wars Thanksgiving!

thanksgiving on bespin

Cartoon text:
Thanksgiving on Bespin

Many more super hero Thanksgiving cartoons over at:

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Thanksgiving and shopping

Thanksgiving and shopping

Cartoon text:
Thanksgiving can't be fun...
if all you do is eat and run!
Nor of names of sports teams

From over at:

Red Bull Thanksgiving

Funny commercial from Red Bull about how the first Thanksgiving turkey ALMOST flew away!

From over at:
red bull

Monday, November 25, 2013

Gobble Tweet Tweet!

Learn a new language and change your life!
I don't know about this new guy... seems like maybe he's hiding from something gobble ...err tweet tweet?!

Cartoon text:
I don't know about this new guy... seems like maybe he's hiding from something
Gobble ...err tweet tweet?!

From over at:

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Noah's Ark Turkeys

Hey, the animals gotta eat!
turkey noahs ark

Cartoon text:
Why are we the only ones who get to bring more than two?

From over at:

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Turkey TV

Don't change the channel!
thanksgiving - oh my favorite show is on

Cartoon text:
(dog) Ooh my faverit show is on!

From over at:

Friday, November 22, 2013

Thanksgiving table etiquette

thanksgiving table etiquette

Cartoon text:
Let this be thy start of a Thanksgiving tradition...
To speaketh not of politics at thy table...
Nor of names of sports teams

From over at:

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Plead the Fifth!

Could it really be coincidence?
turkey in court

Cartoon text:
Honestly Madam, do you expect this court to believe that all of your husbands mysteriously disappeared at this same time in November?

From over at:

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Real men eat beef!

But they call it turkey day for a reason!
real men eat beef

Cartoon text:
(Turkey being chased by man with axe): Real men eat beef!

From over at:

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Even for a turkey, Tommy wasn't very bright

Even for a turkey, Tommy wasn't very bright

Cartoon text:
Woohoo! The farmer invited me over for dinner!
Even for a turkey, Tommy wasn't very bright.

From over at: