Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanksgiving Dinner Cupcakes


Do you want to add that Thanksgiving dinner pizzazz to every bit of your meal,
even the dessert?

Check out these awesome Thanksgiving cupcakes, designed over at Make Bake Celebrate!

MBC: Thanksgiving Dinner Cupcakes

It's a Mythbusters Thanskgiving

Can you cook your Thanksgiving turkey under the hood of your car?

Does tryptophan in turkey REALLY make you drowsy?

The Thanksgiving episode of Mythbusters solves these mysteries!

Check out the Food Fables episode over at the Discovery website!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thanksgiving Song

Nicole Westbrook has a song called "It's Thanksgiving".

The turkeys are scared!

With Thanksgiving just a few days away, the turkeys are getting worried!

They're trying funny disguises:

turkey flamingo

Encouraging alternative eating lifestyles:

turkey vegetarian

And watching out for the farmer!