Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Jerky Turkey

Back in 1945 MGM and Tex Avery made a goofy cartoon about a pilgrim chasing around a turkey.

It was called Jerky Turkey!

Happy Thanskgiving!

Birds of a Feather

It's good to know that the fight to save Thanksgiving has many supporters.

Respect the Turkey isn't alone in the fight to keep the holiday alive.

We've added a new section on the side bar called Birds of a Feather for other websites or facebook pages dedicated to the Thanksgiving holiday.

If we missed your Thanksgiving site, let us know!

Check out our fellow supporters of Thanksgiving!

Respect the Bird

facebook: No Christmas Before Thanksgiving

facebook: Occupy Thanksgiving

facebook: Say No to Shopping on Thanksgiving

facebook: Thanksgiving (group 1)

facebook: Thanksgiving (group 2)

Monday, November 4, 2013

Turkey sun tan!

These turkeys are roasting themselves!

Cartoon text:
You'd better get out of the sun, Ralph... Looks like you're done.

From over at: archshrk.com

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Turkey Trot

Stuffed full of stuffing and want to lose that turkey fat?

Lots of big cities have races on Turkey day, usually called the Turkey Trot.

Check out our list, and hit us up on Twitter or Facebook if we missed your race!

Dana Point, CA - turkeytrot.com/expo-info

San Francisco, CA - www.turkeytrailtrot.com/2013

Silicon Valley, CA - svturkeytrot.com/race-info

Palm Beach, FL - www.palmbeachunitedway.org/2013TurkeyTrot

Tampa Bay, FL - www.tampabay.com/marketing/turkey-trot.page

Tallahasee, FL - tallyturkeytrot.com

Chicago, IL - www.turkeyday-5k.com/page/show/552422-chicago

Naperville, IL - napervilleturkeytrot.com

Detroit, MI - theparade.org/turkeytrot

Buffalo, NY - www.ymcabuffaloniagara.org/turkeytrot.html

Troy, NY - www.troyturkeytrot.com

Columbus, OH - www.columbusturkeytrot.com

Miamisburg OH - orrrcturkeytrot.com

Oakville, ON - rotaryturkeytrot.ca

Pittsburgh, PA - www.terrybishop.com/photobmb/2013-Turkey-Trot-Pittsburgh.html

Houston, TX - turkeytrot.shelteringarms.org

Seattle, WA - seattleturkeytrot.org

Tacoma, WA - www.metroparkstacoma.org/trot

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Lady Bug E Cards - Thanksgiving

Some great funny Thanksgiving cards over at www.ladybugecards.com!

Check out their youtube channel as well:

Here's a funny one about a knife and a turkey doing different types of movies:

Friday, November 1, 2013

Turkey Movie - Free Birds

With Halloween over now, it's time to start thinking about Thanksgiving!

There's a movie opening November 1st called Free Birds about two turkeys that travel back in time to try and take turkey off the menu for Thanksgiving!

It's got a great cast of characters including Woody Harrelson, Amy Poehler, Owen Wilson and George Takei!

Go check it out!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Ho ho home depot

Over a week until Halloween, over a month until Thanksgiving, and over two months until Christmas Day.

Home Depot is in a hurry to make all that money from the Holiday shoppers!