Thursday, November 7, 2013

Pinterest is for the birds

The turkey bird is gobbling on over to Pinterest to post some fun recipes and decorations for Thanskgiving!
Come on over and check out our boards!

Thanksgiving Donuts at Zucker Bakery in NYC

If you're in NYC this Thanksgiving, stop by Zucker bakery for a new treat!

They've come up with a new Thanksgiving themed donut, featuring multiple flavors:

  • Spiced pumpkin donuts with turkey and gravy filling
  • Spiced pumpkin donuts with turkey and cranberry filling
  • Spiced pumpkin donuts with cranberry sauce filling
  • Sweet potato donuts with toasted marshmallow cream filling

zucker bakery thanksgiving donut

Apparently their inspiration was because donuts are a traditional Hanukkah treat,
and for the first time in over 100 years Thanksgiving (Nov 28) will be happening during Hanukkah. (Nov 27 - Dec 5).
They're calling it Thanksgivukkah!

The donuts sure sound tasty, so if you're in New York stop by and try one!

For more details, check out their website at

Hoops and Yoyo Thanksgiving

Have some Thanksgiving fun and games with the Hallmark crazy characters Hoops and Yoyo!

Hallmark - Free Thanksgiving games and activities from hoops & yoyo

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Respect the Reddit

Are you a redditor?

reddit respect the turkey

Come visit us over on reddit, with our very own Respect The Turkey subreddit
where you can share your own links or comments about respecting the Thanksgiving holiday,
no Christmas shopping before Thanksgiving, and just general turkey love!


Or find us through one of our other social media outlets:

- Facebook:

- Twitter: @RespectTurkey

- Cafe Press Store:

Shopping on Thanksgiving?

It's not enough for some stores that have to put out their Christmas decorations before Thanksgiving,
now several stores have said they will start their big Christmas shopping sales on Thanksgiving night!

Both JC Penny and Macy's have said they'll open shopping the evening of Thanksgiving at 8:00 PM!
PopSugar - Will You Skip Thanksgiving Dinner To Go Shopping?

Toys R Us has said they'll be open in the afternoon on Thanksgiving.
Business Insider - Toys R Us Will Open At 5 PM On Thanksgiving And People Are Freaking Out

Kmart and Sears are also expected to be open on Thanksgiving day.
NBC Bay Area - Kmart, Sears to Open on Thanksgiving Day, Stay Open All Night

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Jerky Turkey

Back in 1945 MGM and Tex Avery made a goofy cartoon about a pilgrim chasing around a turkey.

It was called Jerky Turkey!

Happy Thanskgiving!

Birds of a Feather

It's good to know that the fight to save Thanksgiving has many supporters.

Respect the Turkey isn't alone in the fight to keep the holiday alive.

We've added a new section on the side bar called Birds of a Feather for other websites or facebook pages dedicated to the Thanksgiving holiday.

If we missed your Thanksgiving site, let us know!

Check out our fellow supporters of Thanksgiving!

Respect the Bird

facebook: No Christmas Before Thanksgiving

facebook: Occupy Thanksgiving

facebook: Say No to Shopping on Thanksgiving

facebook: Thanksgiving (group 1)

facebook: Thanksgiving (group 2)