Hopefully your fall season is filled with pumpkin spice, some cooler evenings, maybe some cider and donuts, and of course shopping for those Halloween costumes.
Word on the street is that some of the stores have already put their Christmas decorations out!
The Christmas Creep might be a little frantic this year after
Toys R Us declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy!
There were a lot of changes for the positive last year, with a lot of stores closing their doors on Thanksgiving Day so that families could be together for the holiday.
Hopefully those good feelings keep up this year, and every learns to #RespectTheTurkey!
Here's a funny cartoon found over at
The Diet Riot Show
Cartoon text:
Jack-o-lantern: Well big guy, looks like it's your turn.
It's only two days after Halloween and I've already seen Christmas lights, fruitcake and scented pinecones.
Turkey: Hopefully by next year they will skip over Thanksgiving completely!!