Tuesday, September 9, 2014

GeekDad - #NoEarlyXmas – Let’s Put Christmas in Its Place

Just saw a great post from a like minded individual about putting Christmas in it's place.

What do you say, people? Are you with me? Shall we start a social media campaign with #NOEARLYXMAS aimed at spreading this idea and pushing back at the retailers. They’re not doing wrong – they’re just following the money. We’re in control, with our wallets and our message. If we use those to change the behavior, the stores will follow. I hope.

Great article, and we're on board! #NoEarlyXMas and #RespectTheTurkey!

Read the full article here: GeekDad.com - #NoEarlyXmas – Let’s Put Christmas in Its Place

Monday, September 8, 2014

It's only a week into september

Reddit User whooz-dat-guy found this gem while out shopping only a week into September!

reddit /r/pics - It's only a week into september...

reddit pics it's only a week into september

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

And here we go again

Usually we don't fire the Respect The Turkey machine until at least a few weeks into September, but it looks like some stores are already firing up their merchandising machines to fight for our dollars.

wcjl WCJL in Savannah, GA has a report of a bunch of stores with their gear already out:
Christmas in September? Some stores already selling holiday decorations

As a reminder, here at RTT we're not against Christmas.
Not at all!
We just feel like businesses are disrespecting other holidays like Halloween and Thanksgiving, who are almost being wiped off the calendar.

The stores don't put the Christmas things out because they love the Christmas holiday and spreading joy.
They put them out because they are begging and pushing for people to spend more and more money.

People keep pushing the numbers about how much money Americans spend on Christmas shopping.

But really, if you start shopping months and months earlier isn't it just... shopping?

Friday, November 29, 2013


Let the Christmas celebration begin!!!

For the turkey warriors out there who stayed strong and stayed home over the holiday, great job!

Time to head to the basement or attic, get out those piles of decorations, start hanging up lights, playing the Christmas music and drinking some eggnog.

Four weeks of wonderful holiday times!

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, and we'll see you next year!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Facebook on Thanskgiving

Facebook on Thanskgiving

Cartoon text:
500 friends and no one is available to chat...
No new posts today...?

From over at: www.toilette-humor.com

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hope you and your families have some wonderful meals, enjoy the company of loved ones, watch some parades and football on TV, and just generally RELAX and have a nice family holiday.

And no shopping!


happy thanksgiving
From over at: www.busymom.net

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happy Star Wars Thanksgiving!

thanksgiving on bespin

Cartoon text:
Thanksgiving on Bespin

Many more super hero Thanksgiving cartoons over at: royaltutorial.com